Submission Guidelines for Heaven & Hell: The Journal of William Blake OTO

Heaven and Hell: The Journal of William Blake OTO is a bi-monthly journal celebrating the Thelemic Current by promoting new voices and material focused on Magick, Thelema, Aleister Crowley, and William Blake. It is currently published 6 times a year.

What We Are Looking For:

  • Articles
  • Essays
  • Reviews
  • Fiction
  • Poetry
  • Art

We are especially looking for submissions detailing with:

  • Magick (both theory and practice) and The Great Work
  • Aleister Crowley and his work
  • William Blake and his work
  • Reviews of Thelemic literature
  • Life and Experiences in the OTO
  • Innovative and modern perspectives

We encourage all authors to strive to find some way to connect their work, at least tangentially, to Thelema, OTO, Aleister Crowley, and/or William Blake. While exploration of other religions, magical traditions, and authors/artists is fine, we want to contribute to the Thelemic Current in the best way we can. By minimally connecting whatever you create to said Current, you can perhaps provide our readership with a broader and deeper understanding of our beautiful Way.

We also encourage the inclusion of references and avenues for further research. We want Heaven & Hell to be as “academically rigorous” as we can make it as we want the Journal to be a useful tool for anyone reading it. Citing sources and including “Further Reading” lists assists the reader while linking your work to the greater Current. While we won’t reject uncited works out of hand (we may ask you for some references, add them ourselves, and/or add our own “Further Reading List”), we will reject all material that is not the author’s original work.


  • Electronic submissions only at this time.
  • All submissions should be double spaced and in a document format readable and editable by Microsoft Word.
  • If your submission contains unusual fonts, characters, or artwork, please include copies of those files attached to the submission.
  • We are looking for manuscripts up to 5000 words. Longer submissions, if accepted, may be broken up and serialized.

Submission Process:

  • A query letter is fine, but at the moment is not required. This may change in the future.
  • Please include a small biographical paragraph so we know who you are.
  • We will contact you to let you know we have received your submission.
  • Do not expect a response immediately regarding your submission’s acceptance. Our reading times are set and we will let you know as soon as we do.
  • Once your submission has been accepted, we will ask for any extra information we might need to make it publishable.
  • Once we make any necessary edits, we will send the submission to you for review; your approval is the final step before we add it to the layout.
  • All contributors to an issue receive one complimentary issue, and may purchase additional copies at a discount. We are not currently offering payment for accepted work.

Please send submissions to:


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