Over the time since the William Blake Lodge 25th Anniversary at which we conjured the Demon Doolas from the Book of the Offices of Spirits to provide our lodge with a familiar, we have worked well with Tobias, the demon familiar who was provided to us by Doolas. Tobias has been credited with helping us rebuild our environment and draw in truly excellent people. Tobias’s efforts are compensated with alcohol, incense, and a spirit home. For this ritual we will celebrate Tobias by bringing him into the temple and engaging him in a more freeform spirit ritual inspired by those supposed of the “other magicians” who practiced wilder more direct spirit magic than that of the learned conjurers. Join us for chanting, drinking, drumming and celebration. Bring alcohol to offer to Tobias or to share with your lodgemates.
Please arrive no earlier than 7:00pm and no later than 7:20pm.
$10 admission; free for dues-current WBL members.